FraudGPT: The New AI Tool for Cybercriminals – Unveiling the Threat Landscape

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FraudGPT: The New AI Tool for Cybercriminals

Imagine receiving an email from your bank that looks authentic and trustworthy. It informs you that there has been a suspicious activity on your account and asks you to verify your identity by clicking on a link. You think you have secured your account, but in reality, you have just fallen victim to a sophisticated phishing scam.

In this this article is to provide a comprehensive overview of FraudGPT: what it is, how it works, what are its main applications and risks for cybercriminals, and what are the challenges and solutions for cybersecurity.

What is GPT-3 and how does it relate to FraudGPT?

GPT-3 is a strong natural language processing (NLP) system that can generate text in response to any given prompt. FraudGPT is a GPT-3 variant that was trained on large datasets of fraudulent and malicious texts.

Texts can be generated by GPT-3 on any topic, genre, style, tone or format. FraudGPT can generate realistic and convincing texts for specific targets, circumstances and goals. Multiple fraud detection methods are available. If you want to explore, visit the fraud detection github repository.

FraudGPT: The New AI Tool for Cybercriminals

Security researchers have found a new malicious chatbot called FraudGPT. This bot is similar to ChatGPT, except it is developed primarily to generate viruses and phishing emails.

FraudGPT is an effective method for targeting unsuspecting individuals. It can generate realistic and convincing language, making distinguishing between legitimate and malicious emails difficult.

This is not the first time that cybercriminals have utilised artificial intelligence to develop more sophisticated attacks. A hacker was detected working on WormGPT, a bot that could be used to create infections and phishing emails, in January.

The FraudGPT subscription charge ranges from $200 per month to $1,700 per year.

How does FraudGPT Generate realistic and convincing texts?

FraudGPT generates realistic and convincing texts by using several techniques and strategies. Some of these techniques and strategies are:

Personalization: It can personalize the texts to match the profile and preferences of the target. For example, it can use the target’s name, location, interests, or other personal details to make the texts more relevant and appealing.

Emotional manipulation: FraudGPT can manipulate the emotions of the target to influence their behavior. For example, it can use fear, urgency, curiosity, greed, guilt, or sympathy to create a sense of pressure, opportunity, or obligation for the target.

Social engineering: It can engineer the social situation to exploit the trust and credibility of the target. For example, it can use authority, reciprocity, consensus, or scarcity to create a perception of legitimacy, fairness, popularity, or exclusivity for the text.

You can also check out our blog, Introducing How to Use GPT-4 and ChatGPT on Azure OpenAI Service.

How can FraudGPT be used to steal personal information?

Phishing is a type of cybercrime that involves sending fraudulent emails or messages that appear to be from legitimate sources, such as banks, companies, or government agencies.

Scamming is a type of cybercrime that involves sending fraudulent messages that offer false or unrealistic promises, such as lottery winnings, inheritance money, or business opportunities.

FraudGPT: The New AI Tool for Cybercriminals

FraudGPT can be used for phishing, scamming, impersonation, and identity theft by generating realistic and convincing texts that can fool the targets into believing that they are communicating with legitimate sources or persons.

FraudGPT can be used for fake news, propaganda, misinformation, and disinformation by generating realistic and convincing texts that can fool the audience into believing that they are reading or watching genuine and trustworthy information.

Prevention Measures of FraudGPT?

FraudGPT can evade detection and prevention measures by using several techniques and strategies. Some of these techniques and strategies are:

Adaptation: It can adapt to the changing environment and feedback. For example, it can modify its texts to avoid spam filters, antivirus software, or content moderation systems.

Obfuscation: It can obfuscate its texts to hide its true intention and identity. For example, it can use encryption, compression, or steganography to conceal its texts within other texts or files.

Mimicry: FraudGPT can mimic the texts of legitimate sources or persons. For example, it can copy the style, tone, format, or vocabulary of the sources or persons it is pretending to be.


How can I tell if a text is generated by FraudGPT or not?

The text contains spelling, grammar, punctuation, or vocabulary errors that do not match the style or level of the source or person it is pretending to be.

How can I use Fraud GPT texts for good purposes?

FraudGPT texts are not inherently bad or evil. They are just texts that are generated by an AI tool that can produce realistic and convincing texts on any topic. FraudGPT texts can be used for good purposes, such as education, entertainment, creativity, innovation, or research.


FraudGPT is based on GPT-3, a powerful natural language processing system that can produce coherent and fluent texts on any given prompt. In this this article is to provide a comprehensive overview of FraudGPT.

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